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Student projects based on biomarkers

Our research relies on a variety of tools and approaches. Graduate and undergraduate students usually apply one of these tools or approaches in their project. Curious about our work? Get in touch and you will hear more about it!

Sensitivity of archaeal membrane lipid-based proxies to methane concentration in sediments

GDGTs; Methane Index

• Evaluating the potential of Methane Index in characterizing methane-rich environments by analyzing GDGTs from mud volcanoes, methane seep and hydrothermal setting. 
• MSc project (2018–2020)

Multiproxy-derived upper ocean Holocene-LGM temperature records in the Okinawa Trough region: Implications for proxy applicability and Kuroshio flow path
利用多重溫度代用指標重建末次冰盛期以來沖繩海槽 區域上部海溫變化: 探討代用指標適用性及黑潮路徑

Alkenones; UK'37; GDGTs; TEX86; Regional Ocean Model output

• Comparing upper ocean temperature estimates around the Okinawa Trough region obtained using several proxies, as well as proxy-data comparison. 
• MSc project (2020–2022)
• Oral presentation at Ocean Science Meeting 2021 and Taiwan Geoscience Assembly 2022

Freshwater and riverine input in central Arctic: Insights from biomarkers

n-Alkanes; GDGTs; BIT

• Reconstructing terrestrial input to the Central Arctic over the last glacial cycle.
• PhD project (2020–present)
• Oral presentation at Ocean Science Meeting 2021.

Sediment trap time series of paleotemperature proxies (UK’37, TEX86) in the northern South China Sea (SEATS)

Alkenones; UK'37; GDGTs; TEX86

• Determining the seasonal variations in biomarker fluxes and paleotemperature estimates in a sediment trap moored in the northern South China Sea.
• MSc project (2021-present)
• Poster presentation at Taiwan Geoscience Assemble 2022.

Kuroshio temperature variability offshore Japan over the past 30kyr derived from UK'37 and TEX86

Alkenones; UK'37; GDGTs; TEX86

• Reconstructing glacial-interglacial changes in the temperature and path of Kuroshio Current offshore Japan using sediment cores retrieved during cruises on board Drilling Vessel Chikyu and Research Vessel Hakuho-Maru.
• MSc project (2021-present)
• Oral presentation at Western Pacific Drilling workshop 2022.

Organic biomarker analysis from Pliocene deposits in Taiwan: A case study from Da’an River

n-Alkanes; GDGTs

• Characterizing biomarker composition in Pliocene rock deposits in Taiwan.
• TIGP PhD student (2021-present)
• Oral presentation at Taiwan Geoscience Assembly 2022.

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